The selection of the four Local Hubs have taken in account criteria, such as:
- Interest in strengthening their networks and expanding them through new opportunities in the education sector;
- Already existing music programs, with a diversification of no-traditional approaches;
- Cross-sectorial reinforcement: each Hub brings specific competences depending on its local engagement model (specified above);
- Readiness (both for partner, associated schools) to test outputs and methodologies within school practices.
The project brings together 2 schools as full partners (IV Circolo Didattico from Piacenza and Colegio Manuel Nuñez de Arenas from Madrid), 4 schools as associated partner (IC Leonardo da Vinci – Anna Frank from Turin, Kalatasama, Aleksis Kivi, Vallila from Helsinki) 3 schools as external partners (IC Frassati, IC Torino II, IC Regio Parco).